Micul dejun 07:30 -suc de fructe (2 portocale + o felie de pepep galben).
Breakfast 07:30 -fruit juice (2 oranges + 1 slice of melon)
Gustare 10:00 -suc de fructe + 1 mar
Snack 10:00 -fruit juice + 1 apple
2 cafele cu miere dimineata.
2 coffees with honey in the morning.
Pranz 13:00 -salata de varza cu marar, castraveti si telemea.
Lunch 13:00 -cabbage salad with dill, cucumber and feta cheese.
A trebuit sa ies in oras pe la 17:00, asa ca am mancat niste sunca, sau ceva asemanator, cu multe masline, o bucatica de anghinare, o frigaruie de peste cu o rosie cherry, o frigaruie de mozzarella cu o rosie cherry si o mini-bruscheta cu crema de masline, mozzarella si o jumatate de rosie cherry. Si inghetata cu fructe de padure.
I had to go out around 17:00, so I ate some sort of ham with a lot of olives, a small piece of artichoke, a small piece of fish with a cherry tomato on a skewer, a mozzarella nut with a cherry tomato on a skewer, a mini-bruschetta with olive cream, mozzarella and half of a cherry tomato. And ice-cream with forest fruit.
Apoi m-am intalnit cu niste prieteni si am mai mancat putina inghetata cu capsuni pe la 20:30.
Then I met some friends and I had a little more strawberry ice-cream around 20:30.
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