Monday, September 17, 2012

Proteine / Proteins

Micul dejun: 2 banane
Breakfast: 2 bananas

Proteine / Proteins

Micul dejun: 2 banane
Breakfast: 2 bananas

Am fost la Obor si am mancat un mic.
We went to the market and I had 1 small Romanian sausage.

Pranzul: omleta (am identificat o metoda noua: in tigaia rece am pus unt si oua, apoi am pus tigaia pe foc si am inceput sa le amestec, cand au inceput sa se coaguleze am adaugat niste smantana + sare si piper -cica e metoda lui Gordon Ramsay, o fi ca e bunutza) cu branza de oaie de la tara (foarte gustoasa), rosii si paine
Lunch: scrambled eggs (I found a new recipe: in a cold frying pan, I added the eggs and some butter, then I put the pan on the stove and start mixing them, when the eggs began to coagulate I added some sour cream + salt and pepper -it seems to be Gordon Ramsay's method, which may be true since it is quite tasty) with sheep cheese from the countryside, tomatoes and bread

Am fost la zilele Bucurestiului si mi-am luat un porumb fiert.
We went to the celebrations of Bucharest and I ate a boiled corn on the knob.

Cina: vita taiata fasiute prajita cu sos indonezian de la Lidl si castraveti cu otet de orez, zahar si sare
Dinner: shredded veal fried in Indonesian sauce from Lidle and cucumbers with rice vinegar, sugar and salt

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Proteine / Proteins

Micul dejun: o banana si fructe uscate
Breakfast: a banana and dried fruits

Pranzul: am fost la tara si am mancat 4 oua cu branza de oaie, salata si mamaliga
Lunch: we went to the countryside and I had 4 fried eggs with sheep cheese, salad and polenta

Cina: un pateu pe paine si salata de ardei copti
Dinner: liver paste on bread and roasted peppers salad

Friday, September 14, 2012

Diverse /Various

Micul dejun: fructe uscate
Breakfast: dried fruits

Gustare: o banana
Snack: a banana

Pranzul: ne-a facut compania cinste cu pizza la pranz, asa ca am halit o groaza de pizza
Lunch: the company offered us pizza for lunch, so I ate quite a lot of it

Seara am iesit in oras si am mancat 1/2 de bratwurst.
In the evening we went out and I ate 1/2 of a bratwurt.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Proteine / Proteins

Micul dejun: fructe uscate
Breakfast: dried fruits

3 cafele cu miere pentru ca a fost o dimineata grea
3 cups of coffee with honey as it was a hard morning

Gustare: o banana
Snack: a banana

Pranzul: o bucata imensa de musaca (a mai ramas de acum cateva zile in frigider) cu lipie
Lunch: a huge chunk of moussaka (I had quite a lot of it left from a few days ago in the fridge) with bread 

Am facut niste exercitii. I did some exercises.

Bere/ Beer

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Proteine / Proteins

Micul dejun: fructe uscate
Breakfast: dried fruits

Gustare: o banana
Snack: a banana

Pranzul: am incercat sa fac niste mozzarella pane (nu prea mi-a iesit -au fost gustoase, dar mozzarela a disparut pe undeva din interiorul lor), salata de ardei copti, salata de vinete
Lunch: I tried to bake some fried mozzarella (I was not very successful -the mozzarella inside disappeared somehow), rosted peppers salad, eggplant salad

Cina: brie cu bagheta si masline -si bere
Dinner: brie with baguette and olives -and beer

Monday, September 10, 2012

Amidonate / Starch filled stuff

Micul dejun: ardei copti cu masline
Breakfast: roasted peppers with olives

Gustare: o para si o piersica
Snack: a pear and a peach

Pranz: orez cu legume si salata de castraveti
Lunch: rice with vegetables and cucumber salad

Cina: niste carnaciori :D
Dinner: some sausages :D

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Proteine / Proteins

Micul dejun: fructe uscate si o cafea
Breakfast: dried fruits and a cup of coffee

Pranzul: sandwich cu feta (feta marinata vreun sfert de ora intr-un sirop de sos de soia, putin zahar si otet -fiert putin pana cand se ingroasa), ridichi, telemea si paine prajita (cred ca merge mai bine cu cascaval in loc de telemea si as mai fi adaugat niste germeni de ceva, dar nu mai aveam prin frigider)
Lunch: feta sandwich (feta cheese sliced and marinated for 15 min in a sauce made from soy sauce, sugar and vinegar and thickened on the stove for a few minutes), radishes, feta cheese and toast (I think it is better to replace feta with a cheese that melts and I would have also added some sprouts, only that I could not find any in my fridge)

Cina: choukchouka (intr-o tigaie: ceapa la calit pana devine transparenta + usturoi + sos de rosii de la bunica + vinete fara coaja si taiate cubulete si ardei + curry si ras el hanout + un ou cand legumele sunt moi si acoperit pana se face oul -merg 2 oua) cu o jumatate de tortilla
Dinner: choukchouka (in a skillet: fried onion + garlic + home made tomato sauce and cubbed eggplants skin off and chopped bell pepper + curry and ras el hanout + an egg -it is perfect with 2 eggs, but I had only 1 left- when the vegetables are soft -covered until the egg is done) and half a tortilla

Proteine / Proteins

Micul dejun: o banana si fructe uscate
Breakfast: a banana and dried fruits

Pranz: am avut 2 vouchere la Li Wu, vietnamez, asa ca ni le-am luat si ne-au pus aia la mancare cat pentru 4 persoane (pachetele de primavara, orez simplu, taitei cu pui).
Lunch: we had 2 vouchers to Li Wu, a Vietnamese restaurant in Bucharest, where they gave us a lot of food (enough for 4): spring rolls, rice, noodles with chicken.

Cina: musaca de vinete (vinetele taiate rondele si date cu ulei si suc de lamaie -la cuptor vreo 20 de minute; carne de vita tocata rumenita impreuna cu ceapa, usturoi, suc de rosii de la bunica, scortisoara, boia dulce, condimente pentru burrito; apoi totul la cuptor: un strat de vinete, unu de carne, unul de vinete, unul de carne, rondele de rosii deasupra si oua batute cu suc de lamaie si sare -la cuptor vreo 40 de minute)
Dinner: eggplant musaka (sliced eggplants brushed with olive oil and lemon juice -in the oven to roast about 20 minutes; ground beef in a skillet together with onion, garlic, home-made tomato juice, cinnamon, sweet paprika, burrito spices -until the meat is cooked; then everything in the oven: 1 layer of eggplant slices, 1 layer of meat, 1 layer of eggplants, 1 layer of meat -topped with tomato slices and eggs whisked with lemon juice and salt -in the oven about 40 minutes)

Friday, September 7, 2012

Vitamine / Vitamins

Micul dejun: o banana
Breakfast: a banana

Gustare: 1 banana si struguri
Snack: 1 banana and grapes

Pranzul: mazare (stilul clasic: ceapa, usturoi, morcov calite + mazare, suc de rosii, vin + marar) si salata de ardei copti (cu ceapa, rosii si masline)
Lunch: peas (cooked the traditional way: fried onion, garlic and carrot + peas, tomato sauce, wine + dill) and roasted peppers salad (with onion, tomatoes and olives)

Seara trebuia sa-mi fac o salata, dar am fost la Auchan si am gasit niste mici noi (20% oaie si 80% carne de vita), asa ca am infulecat acasa 1 mic 1/2 cu mustar si paine.
In the evening, I was supposed to eat a salad, but we went to Auchan supermarket and they have a new offer of small Romanian sausages (20% lamb and 80% veal), so I had to eat 1 1/2 sausages with mustard and bread.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Proteine / Proteins

08:00 -fructe uscate
08:00 -dried fruits

Cand am ajuns la serviciu, era ziua unui coleg, asa ca am infulecat foetaje :(
When I got to work one of our colleagues was celebrating his birthday, so I got stuffed with pastries.

La pranz: pui garam masala (ceapa, usturoi si ghimbir calite + cartofi cuburi + fasii de piept de pui prajite putin inainte + supa de pui si sos de rosii -acoperit timp de aproape o ora + mazare din conserva si sos garam masala -inca 15 min) +salata de castraveti cu ceapa
For lunch: garam masala chicken (onion, garlic, ginger slightly fried + russer potatoes cut into cubes + chicken breasts into strips previously slightly fried + chicken soup and tomato sauce -simmer covered for almost an hour + canned peas and garam masala sauce -another 15 min) + cucumber salad (with onion)

Cina: Am iesit in oras si am avut vouchere cu 2 Bratwurst-i, mustar, cartofi copti, rosii -si bere nemteasca
Dinner: We went out and had 2 Bratwurst with mustard, roasted potatoes and tomatoes -and German beer

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Am incetat dieta

Pentru ca simt tot mai mult nevoia sa mananc proteine (chiar daca nu prea mananc carne in general -desi acum am o pofta nebuna de carne- imi lipsesc ouale si branza), voi renunta la dieta. Sau mai bine zis, voi avea mai multe zile de proteine si voi incerca sa pastrez micul dejun cu fructe si legume, ca si orele de mancare.

Because I long more and more to eat proteins (even if I am not a big meat-eater -though I feel a strong urge to eat meat these days- I miss the eggs and the cheese), I will give up the diet. Otherwise putting it, I will have more days of proteins and I will try to keep the breakfast with fruits and vegetables, as well as the eating hours.

Asa ca am sarbatorit cu un mic dejun revolutionar cu oua, branza, chiftelute si castraveti. :D
So I celebrated wtih a hearty breakfast made of fried eggs, cheese, meatballs and cucumbers. :D

Voi mai tine blogul pentru ca asta ma va motiva sa ma tin de cuvant si sa nu ma destrabalez culinar in continuare.
I will continue writing on the blog since this will motivate me to keep my word and not abuse with the food. 

Pranzul 13:00 -pui garam masala in lipie (ceapa, usturoi, suc de rosii de la bunica, pasta de garam masala, ghimbir, turmeric, chimen macinat, piept de pui cubulete, zeama de limeta, iaurt)
Lunch 13:00 -garam masala chicken in a tortilla (onion, garlic, home made tomato juice, garam masala paste, ginger, turmeric, ground cumin, chicken breasts in cubes, lime juice, yogurt)

Seara am mancat putin mazare din conserva in timp ce gateam.
In the evening I ate a little bit of canned peas while I was cooking.

Ziua 23bis Carbohidrati / Day 23bis Carbohydrates

Micul dejun 08:00 -o cafea
Breakfast 08:00 -a cup of coffee

Gustare 10:00 -2 banane
Snack 10:00 -2 bananas

Pranzul 11:30 -pizza cu sos de rosii de la bunica, dovlecei, masline, ardei si oregano
Lunch 11:30 -pizza with home-made tomato sauce, courgette, olives, bell peppers and oregano

Cina 18:00 -2 pateuri cu ciuperci;  2 biscuiti mai tarziu
Dinner 18:00 -2 pastries with mushrooms; 2 biscuits a little bit later

Monday, September 3, 2012

Ziua 22bis Amidonate / Day 22bis Starch filled stuff

Micul dejun 08:00 -un castravete cu masline
Breakfast 08:00 -a cucumber with olives

Gustare 10:00 -2 banane
Snack 10:00 -2 bananas

Pranzul 11:30 -mi-a fost foame. Orez cu legume si tikka masala si salata de castraveti cu masline si ceapa.
Lunch 11:30 -I was hungry. Tikka masala rice with vegetables and cucumber salad (with olives and onion).

Mi-a fost pofta si mi-am luat o punguta de 23g de chips-uri.
I felt the need for chips, so I ate a small bag (23g).

Cina 18:00 -Piure de cartofi cu ardei copti si masline -si bere
Dinner 18:00 -Mashed potatoes with roasted bell peppers and olives -and beer

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Ziua 20-21bis Proteine / Day 20-21bis Proteins

A venit mama si a adus o multime de bunataturi: oua de la tara, carnaciori afumati, chiftelute moldovenesti etc. Asa ca am 2 zile de proteine. :D

Mom came to visit and she brought a lot of good things: eggs from the countryside, smoked home-made sausages, Moldavian meatballs etc. So, I must have 2 days of proteins.