Micul dejun: 2 banane
Breakfast: 2 bananas
Am fost la Obor si am mancat un mic.
We went to the market and I had 1 small Romanian sausage.
Pranzul: omleta (am identificat o metoda noua: in tigaia rece am pus unt si oua, apoi am pus tigaia pe foc si am inceput sa le amestec, cand au inceput sa se coaguleze am adaugat niste smantana + sare si piper -cica e metoda lui Gordon Ramsay, o fi ca e bunutza) cu branza de oaie de la tara (foarte gustoasa), rosii si paine
Lunch: scrambled eggs (I found a new recipe: in a cold frying pan, I added the eggs and some butter, then I put the pan on the stove and start mixing them, when the eggs began to coagulate I added some sour cream + salt and pepper -it seems to be Gordon Ramsay's method, which may be true since it is quite tasty) with sheep cheese from the countryside, tomatoes and bread
Am fost la zilele Bucurestiului si mi-am luat un porumb fiert.
We went to the celebrations of Bucharest and I ate a boiled corn on the knob.
Cina: vita taiata fasiute prajita cu sos indonezian de la Lidl si castraveti cu otet de orez, zahar si sare
Dinner: shredded veal fried in Indonesian sauce from Lidle and cucumbers with rice vinegar, sugar and salt
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