Pentru ca simt tot mai mult nevoia sa mananc proteine (chiar daca nu prea mananc carne in general -desi acum am o pofta nebuna de carne- imi lipsesc ouale si branza), voi renunta la dieta. Sau mai bine zis, voi avea mai multe zile de proteine si voi incerca sa pastrez micul dejun cu fructe si legume, ca si orele de mancare.
Because I long more and more to eat proteins (even if I am not a big meat-eater -though I feel a strong urge to eat meat these days- I miss the eggs and the cheese), I will give up the diet. Otherwise putting it, I will have more days of proteins and I will try to keep the breakfast with fruits and vegetables, as well as the eating hours.
Asa ca am sarbatorit cu un mic dejun revolutionar cu oua, branza, chiftelute si castraveti. :D
So I celebrated wtih a hearty breakfast made of fried eggs, cheese, meatballs and cucumbers. :D
Voi mai tine blogul pentru ca asta ma va motiva sa ma tin de cuvant si sa nu ma destrabalez culinar in continuare.
I will continue writing on the blog since this will motivate me to keep my word and not abuse with the food.
Pranzul 13:00 -pui garam masala in lipie (ceapa, usturoi, suc de rosii de la bunica, pasta de garam masala, ghimbir, turmeric, chimen macinat, piept de pui cubulete, zeama de limeta, iaurt)
Lunch 13:00 -garam masala chicken in a tortilla (onion, garlic, home made tomato juice, garam masala paste, ginger, turmeric, ground cumin, chicken breasts in cubes, lime juice, yogurt)
Seara am mancat putin mazare din conserva in timp ce gateam.
In the evening I ate a little bit of canned peas while I was cooking.
Ai reusit sa te mentii dupa ce ai incetat dieta?