Monday, September 17, 2012

Proteine / Proteins

Micul dejun: 2 banane
Breakfast: 2 bananas

Proteine / Proteins

Micul dejun: 2 banane
Breakfast: 2 bananas

Am fost la Obor si am mancat un mic.
We went to the market and I had 1 small Romanian sausage.

Pranzul: omleta (am identificat o metoda noua: in tigaia rece am pus unt si oua, apoi am pus tigaia pe foc si am inceput sa le amestec, cand au inceput sa se coaguleze am adaugat niste smantana + sare si piper -cica e metoda lui Gordon Ramsay, o fi ca e bunutza) cu branza de oaie de la tara (foarte gustoasa), rosii si paine
Lunch: scrambled eggs (I found a new recipe: in a cold frying pan, I added the eggs and some butter, then I put the pan on the stove and start mixing them, when the eggs began to coagulate I added some sour cream + salt and pepper -it seems to be Gordon Ramsay's method, which may be true since it is quite tasty) with sheep cheese from the countryside, tomatoes and bread

Am fost la zilele Bucurestiului si mi-am luat un porumb fiert.
We went to the celebrations of Bucharest and I ate a boiled corn on the knob.

Cina: vita taiata fasiute prajita cu sos indonezian de la Lidl si castraveti cu otet de orez, zahar si sare
Dinner: shredded veal fried in Indonesian sauce from Lidle and cucumbers with rice vinegar, sugar and salt

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Proteine / Proteins

Micul dejun: o banana si fructe uscate
Breakfast: a banana and dried fruits

Pranzul: am fost la tara si am mancat 4 oua cu branza de oaie, salata si mamaliga
Lunch: we went to the countryside and I had 4 fried eggs with sheep cheese, salad and polenta

Cina: un pateu pe paine si salata de ardei copti
Dinner: liver paste on bread and roasted peppers salad

Friday, September 14, 2012

Diverse /Various

Micul dejun: fructe uscate
Breakfast: dried fruits

Gustare: o banana
Snack: a banana

Pranzul: ne-a facut compania cinste cu pizza la pranz, asa ca am halit o groaza de pizza
Lunch: the company offered us pizza for lunch, so I ate quite a lot of it

Seara am iesit in oras si am mancat 1/2 de bratwurst.
In the evening we went out and I ate 1/2 of a bratwurt.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Proteine / Proteins

Micul dejun: fructe uscate
Breakfast: dried fruits

3 cafele cu miere pentru ca a fost o dimineata grea
3 cups of coffee with honey as it was a hard morning

Gustare: o banana
Snack: a banana

Pranzul: o bucata imensa de musaca (a mai ramas de acum cateva zile in frigider) cu lipie
Lunch: a huge chunk of moussaka (I had quite a lot of it left from a few days ago in the fridge) with bread 

Am facut niste exercitii. I did some exercises.

Bere/ Beer

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Proteine / Proteins

Micul dejun: fructe uscate
Breakfast: dried fruits

Gustare: o banana
Snack: a banana

Pranzul: am incercat sa fac niste mozzarella pane (nu prea mi-a iesit -au fost gustoase, dar mozzarela a disparut pe undeva din interiorul lor), salata de ardei copti, salata de vinete
Lunch: I tried to bake some fried mozzarella (I was not very successful -the mozzarella inside disappeared somehow), rosted peppers salad, eggplant salad

Cina: brie cu bagheta si masline -si bere
Dinner: brie with baguette and olives -and beer

Monday, September 10, 2012

Amidonate / Starch filled stuff

Micul dejun: ardei copti cu masline
Breakfast: roasted peppers with olives

Gustare: o para si o piersica
Snack: a pear and a peach

Pranz: orez cu legume si salata de castraveti
Lunch: rice with vegetables and cucumber salad

Cina: niste carnaciori :D
Dinner: some sausages :D

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Proteine / Proteins

Micul dejun: fructe uscate si o cafea
Breakfast: dried fruits and a cup of coffee

Pranzul: sandwich cu feta (feta marinata vreun sfert de ora intr-un sirop de sos de soia, putin zahar si otet -fiert putin pana cand se ingroasa), ridichi, telemea si paine prajita (cred ca merge mai bine cu cascaval in loc de telemea si as mai fi adaugat niste germeni de ceva, dar nu mai aveam prin frigider)
Lunch: feta sandwich (feta cheese sliced and marinated for 15 min in a sauce made from soy sauce, sugar and vinegar and thickened on the stove for a few minutes), radishes, feta cheese and toast (I think it is better to replace feta with a cheese that melts and I would have also added some sprouts, only that I could not find any in my fridge)

Cina: choukchouka (intr-o tigaie: ceapa la calit pana devine transparenta + usturoi + sos de rosii de la bunica + vinete fara coaja si taiate cubulete si ardei + curry si ras el hanout + un ou cand legumele sunt moi si acoperit pana se face oul -merg 2 oua) cu o jumatate de tortilla
Dinner: choukchouka (in a skillet: fried onion + garlic + home made tomato sauce and cubbed eggplants skin off and chopped bell pepper + curry and ras el hanout + an egg -it is perfect with 2 eggs, but I had only 1 left- when the vegetables are soft -covered until the egg is done) and half a tortilla

Proteine / Proteins

Micul dejun: o banana si fructe uscate
Breakfast: a banana and dried fruits

Pranz: am avut 2 vouchere la Li Wu, vietnamez, asa ca ni le-am luat si ne-au pus aia la mancare cat pentru 4 persoane (pachetele de primavara, orez simplu, taitei cu pui).
Lunch: we had 2 vouchers to Li Wu, a Vietnamese restaurant in Bucharest, where they gave us a lot of food (enough for 4): spring rolls, rice, noodles with chicken.

Cina: musaca de vinete (vinetele taiate rondele si date cu ulei si suc de lamaie -la cuptor vreo 20 de minute; carne de vita tocata rumenita impreuna cu ceapa, usturoi, suc de rosii de la bunica, scortisoara, boia dulce, condimente pentru burrito; apoi totul la cuptor: un strat de vinete, unu de carne, unul de vinete, unul de carne, rondele de rosii deasupra si oua batute cu suc de lamaie si sare -la cuptor vreo 40 de minute)
Dinner: eggplant musaka (sliced eggplants brushed with olive oil and lemon juice -in the oven to roast about 20 minutes; ground beef in a skillet together with onion, garlic, home-made tomato juice, cinnamon, sweet paprika, burrito spices -until the meat is cooked; then everything in the oven: 1 layer of eggplant slices, 1 layer of meat, 1 layer of eggplants, 1 layer of meat -topped with tomato slices and eggs whisked with lemon juice and salt -in the oven about 40 minutes)

Friday, September 7, 2012

Vitamine / Vitamins

Micul dejun: o banana
Breakfast: a banana

Gustare: 1 banana si struguri
Snack: 1 banana and grapes

Pranzul: mazare (stilul clasic: ceapa, usturoi, morcov calite + mazare, suc de rosii, vin + marar) si salata de ardei copti (cu ceapa, rosii si masline)
Lunch: peas (cooked the traditional way: fried onion, garlic and carrot + peas, tomato sauce, wine + dill) and roasted peppers salad (with onion, tomatoes and olives)

Seara trebuia sa-mi fac o salata, dar am fost la Auchan si am gasit niste mici noi (20% oaie si 80% carne de vita), asa ca am infulecat acasa 1 mic 1/2 cu mustar si paine.
In the evening, I was supposed to eat a salad, but we went to Auchan supermarket and they have a new offer of small Romanian sausages (20% lamb and 80% veal), so I had to eat 1 1/2 sausages with mustard and bread.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Proteine / Proteins

08:00 -fructe uscate
08:00 -dried fruits

Cand am ajuns la serviciu, era ziua unui coleg, asa ca am infulecat foetaje :(
When I got to work one of our colleagues was celebrating his birthday, so I got stuffed with pastries.

La pranz: pui garam masala (ceapa, usturoi si ghimbir calite + cartofi cuburi + fasii de piept de pui prajite putin inainte + supa de pui si sos de rosii -acoperit timp de aproape o ora + mazare din conserva si sos garam masala -inca 15 min) +salata de castraveti cu ceapa
For lunch: garam masala chicken (onion, garlic, ginger slightly fried + russer potatoes cut into cubes + chicken breasts into strips previously slightly fried + chicken soup and tomato sauce -simmer covered for almost an hour + canned peas and garam masala sauce -another 15 min) + cucumber salad (with onion)

Cina: Am iesit in oras si am avut vouchere cu 2 Bratwurst-i, mustar, cartofi copti, rosii -si bere nemteasca
Dinner: We went out and had 2 Bratwurst with mustard, roasted potatoes and tomatoes -and German beer

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Am incetat dieta

Pentru ca simt tot mai mult nevoia sa mananc proteine (chiar daca nu prea mananc carne in general -desi acum am o pofta nebuna de carne- imi lipsesc ouale si branza), voi renunta la dieta. Sau mai bine zis, voi avea mai multe zile de proteine si voi incerca sa pastrez micul dejun cu fructe si legume, ca si orele de mancare.

Because I long more and more to eat proteins (even if I am not a big meat-eater -though I feel a strong urge to eat meat these days- I miss the eggs and the cheese), I will give up the diet. Otherwise putting it, I will have more days of proteins and I will try to keep the breakfast with fruits and vegetables, as well as the eating hours.

Asa ca am sarbatorit cu un mic dejun revolutionar cu oua, branza, chiftelute si castraveti. :D
So I celebrated wtih a hearty breakfast made of fried eggs, cheese, meatballs and cucumbers. :D

Voi mai tine blogul pentru ca asta ma va motiva sa ma tin de cuvant si sa nu ma destrabalez culinar in continuare.
I will continue writing on the blog since this will motivate me to keep my word and not abuse with the food. 

Pranzul 13:00 -pui garam masala in lipie (ceapa, usturoi, suc de rosii de la bunica, pasta de garam masala, ghimbir, turmeric, chimen macinat, piept de pui cubulete, zeama de limeta, iaurt)
Lunch 13:00 -garam masala chicken in a tortilla (onion, garlic, home made tomato juice, garam masala paste, ginger, turmeric, ground cumin, chicken breasts in cubes, lime juice, yogurt)

Seara am mancat putin mazare din conserva in timp ce gateam.
In the evening I ate a little bit of canned peas while I was cooking.

Ziua 23bis Carbohidrati / Day 23bis Carbohydrates

Micul dejun 08:00 -o cafea
Breakfast 08:00 -a cup of coffee

Gustare 10:00 -2 banane
Snack 10:00 -2 bananas

Pranzul 11:30 -pizza cu sos de rosii de la bunica, dovlecei, masline, ardei si oregano
Lunch 11:30 -pizza with home-made tomato sauce, courgette, olives, bell peppers and oregano

Cina 18:00 -2 pateuri cu ciuperci;  2 biscuiti mai tarziu
Dinner 18:00 -2 pastries with mushrooms; 2 biscuits a little bit later

Monday, September 3, 2012

Ziua 22bis Amidonate / Day 22bis Starch filled stuff

Micul dejun 08:00 -un castravete cu masline
Breakfast 08:00 -a cucumber with olives

Gustare 10:00 -2 banane
Snack 10:00 -2 bananas

Pranzul 11:30 -mi-a fost foame. Orez cu legume si tikka masala si salata de castraveti cu masline si ceapa.
Lunch 11:30 -I was hungry. Tikka masala rice with vegetables and cucumber salad (with olives and onion).

Mi-a fost pofta si mi-am luat o punguta de 23g de chips-uri.
I felt the need for chips, so I ate a small bag (23g).

Cina 18:00 -Piure de cartofi cu ardei copti si masline -si bere
Dinner 18:00 -Mashed potatoes with roasted bell peppers and olives -and beer

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Ziua 20-21bis Proteine / Day 20-21bis Proteins

A venit mama si a adus o multime de bunataturi: oua de la tara, carnaciori afumati, chiftelute moldovenesti etc. Asa ca am 2 zile de proteine. :D

Mom came to visit and she brought a lot of good things: eggs from the countryside, smoked home-made sausages, Moldavian meatballs etc. So, I must have 2 days of proteins.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Ziua 19bis Carbohidrati / Day 19bis Carbohydrates

Micul dejun 08:00 -4 prune
Breakfast 08:00 -4 prunes

Gustare 10:00 -o banana
Snack 10:00 -a banana

O cafea cu miere. A cup of coffee with honey.

Pranzul 12:30 -3 felii de paine prajita cu salata (castraveti, rosii, masline, ardei, ceapa si vinegreta: mustar, miere, otet balsamic, ulei de masline)
Lunch 12:30 -3 slices of toast and a salad (cucumbers, tomatoes, olives, bell peppers, onion and vinaigrette: mustard, honey, balsamic vinegar, olive oil)

Cina 18:00 -2 pateuri cu ciuperci si o bucatica de paine cu masline -si o bere
Dinner 18:00 -2 pastries with mushrooms and a small bite of bread with olives -and a beer

Ziua 18bis Amidonate / Day 18bis Starch filled stuff

Micul dejun 08:00 -un castravete cu masline
Breakfast 08:00 -a cucumber with olives

Gustare 10:00 -2 banane
Snack 10:00 -2 bananas

Pranzul 12:30 -orez cu ciuperci mun, morcovi, ardei si salata de ardei copti
Lunch 12:30 -boiled and fried rice with mun mushrooms, carrots, bell peppers and roasted peppers salad

Cina 18:30 -am iesit in oras si am mancat pizza cu pui; da, nu era pentru ziua de bere
Dinner 18:30 -we went out and I had a chicken pizza; yes, I know, it is not for the diet day... and beer

Ziua 17bis Proteine / Day 17bis Proteins

Micul dejun 08:00 -o felie de pepene rosu
Breakfast 08:00 -a slice of watermelon

O cafea cu miere. A cup of coffee with honey.

Pranzul 13:00 -Tortilla cu carne tocata (carne tocata de porc si vita, calita in ceapa pana cand nu mai e rosiatica cu grasimea scursa daca e prea grasa carnea, apoi am adaugat sos worchestershire, sos de rosii dat de mamaie, sos piri-piri, boia dulce, otet de vin alb si am lasat sa fiarba cam o ora), castraveti, ceapa si rosii
Lunch 13:00 -Tortilla with ground meat (pork&veal ground meat, fried with chopped onions until no longer pink, with the grease removed if the meat is too fat, then I added Worchestershire sauce, tomato sauce made by grandma, piri-piri sauce, sweet paprika, white wine vinegar and I let it simmer for about 1h), cucumbers, onions and tomatoes

Bere. Beer.

Cina 18:00 -un fel de chiftelute nordice (carne tocata de porc si vita, cu un ou, nucsoara, sare, piper, ceapa tocata, pesmet -am facut chitelute si le-am pus in apa fiarta cu un cub de supa de vita, frunze de dafin si boabe de piper -cand le pui in oala se lasa la fund si sunt gata atunci cand se ridica) cu sos alb (unt calit cu faina, se ia de pe foc si se adauga smantana, se pune iar pe foc cu capere, suc de lamaie, putina apa cu cub de supa de vita -se da in cateva clocote, se adauga chiftelutele si se pune patrunjel -eu am pus uscat, ca nu am avut proaspat) si o felie de paine -nu prea pot sa spun cantitatile, ca eu le fac din ochi asa
Dinner 18:00 -some sort of Swedish meatballs (pork&veal ground meat+ an egg + nutmeg, salt, pepper + chopped onion + breadcrumbs -I made small round meatballs and I put them in boiling water with a veal soup cube, bay leaves and peppercorns -when you put them in the water, they go down, but as they cook they float on the surface -this is how you know they are done) with white sauce (in a skillet I fried the melted butter with flour and mixed until they got a pale reddish colour, I removed it from the heat and added sour cream, then I put the skillet back on the fire and added lemon juice, some water with the veal soup cube, capers; I waited for it to simmer a little bit, then added the meatballs and parsley -I used dry one, as I did not have fresh parsley) and a slice of bread. -I cannot give quantities as I estimate everything according to my taste.

Bere. Beer.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Ziua 16bis Vitamine / Day 16bis Vitamins

Micul dejun 08:00 -o felie de pepene rosu
Breakfast 08:00 -a slice of watermelon

Gustare 10:00 -o banana
Snack 10:00 -a banana

Pranzul 12:30 -mancare de vinete (vinetele cubulete muiate 1-2 ore in apa cu sare, apoi calite si adaugate separat intr-un sos de rosii cu ceapa, usturoi, chimen macinat, capere) cu salata de castraveti (masline, ceapa)
Lunch 12:30 -eggplant dish (eggplants soaked for 1-2h in salted water, then fried in olive oil and added to a tomatoes sauce made separately in a skillet with onion, garlic, capers, cumin) with cucumber salad (olives, onion)

Gustare 16:00 -2 banane
Snack 16:00 -2 bananas

Cina 18:00 -fructe uscate
Dinner 18:00 -dried fruits

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Ziua 15bis Carbohidrati / Day 15bis Carbohydrates

Micul dejun 08:15 -o felie de pepene
Breakfast 08:15 -a slice of watermelon

Pranzul 11:00-am fost iar al IKEA, si bineinteles ca am halit 2 crenvursti
Lunch 11:00 -we were at IKEA again and of course I had to take 2 sausages

Cina 18:00 -am iesit in oras si mi-am luat furnici in copaci (da, bine, aveau carne, dar erau picante si foarte bune)
Dinner 18:00 -we went out and I had ants in trees (noodles with meat, fine, yes, meat, but they were so spicy and tasty that I had to eat them!)

Whiskey cu cola seara. Whiskey and coke in the evening.

Zilele 13-14 bis / Days 13-14 bis

Am fost la munte si ca sa pot urca am avut nevoie de 2 zile de proteine.
I went to the mountains, so in order to climb I had to have 2 days of proteins.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Ziua 12bis Vitamine / Day 12bis Vitamins

Micul dejun 08:00 -o felie de pepene rosu
Breakfast 08:00 -a slice of watermelon

Gustare 10:00 -o banana
Snack 10:00 -a banana

Pranzul 12:15 -salata de ardei copti
Lunch 12:15 -roasted peppers salad

Gustare 16:00 -fructe uscate
Snack 16:00 -dried fruits

Cina 18:00 -fructe uscate
Dinner 18:00 -dried fruits

Seminte de dovleac si de floarea soarelui. Pumpkin and sunflower seeds.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Ziua 11bis Carbohidrati / Day 11bis Carbohydrates

Micul dejun 08:00 -o felie de pepene rosu
Breakfast 08:00 -a slice of watermelon

Gustare 10:00 -o banana
Snack 10:00 -a banana

Pranzul 12:30 -couscous cu legume (rosii, ardei, dovlecei, vinete)
Lunch 12:30 -couscous with vegetables (tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplants, zucchini)

Cina 19:00 -am fost la IKEA si am halit 2 hotdog-i la 1 RON.
Dinner 19:00 -I went to IKEA and had 2 hotdogs (ok, not in the plan)

Ceva vin acasa. Some wine at home.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Ziua 10bis Amidonate / Day 10bis Starch filled stuff

Micul dejun 08:30 -fructe uscate
Breakfast 08:30 -dried fruits

O cafea cu miere (si un biscuite -nu trebuia).
A cup of coffee with honey (and a biscuit -I should not have had it)

Pranzul 12:30 -3 chiftele din naut (naut, lamaie, chimen, seminte de susan, un ou, pesmet) cu sos dulce-acrisor si salata de ardei copti
Lunch 12:30 -3 chickpea burgers (chickpeas, lemon, cumin, sesame seeds, an egg, crumbles) with sweet&sour sauce and roasted peppers salad

Cina 18:00 -2 chiftele din naut cu mustar si salata
Dinner 18:00 -2 chickpea burgers with mustard and salad (lettuce, onion, olive oil, salt, vinegar)

Am iesit la o plimbare cu bicicleta si acasa mi-am facut un cocktail urias cu whiskey.
I went for a ride with my bike, then I had a huge whiskey cocktail at home.

Ziua 9bis Proteine / Day 9bis Proteins

Micul dejun 08:00 -fructe uscate
Breakfast 08:00 -dried fruits

Pranzul 12:00 -2 fajitas cu peste (si salata, rosii, ardei copti, ceapa, mix de germeni, seminte de dovleac si floarea soarelui, chimen, ketchup, maioneza) -si o cafea cu miere
Lunch 12:00 -2 fish fajitas (with lettuce, tomatoes, roasted peppers, onion, mixed germs, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, cumin, ketchup, mayo) -and a coffee with honey

Cina 19:00 -am iesit la un restaurant, asa ca am cam mancat.... supa de bere, fajitas cu pui, inghetata, 2 beri
Dinner 19:00 -we went out to a restaurant, so I kind of ate... beer soup, chicken fajitas, ice-cream, 2 beers

Monday, August 20, 2012

Ziua 8 bis Vitamine / Day 8bis Vitamins

Micul dejun 08:00 -struguri de la tara
Breakfast 08:00 -grapes (from the countryside)

Gustare 11:00 -salata de ardei copti cu ceapa, rosii, ulei de masline, otet si sare
Snack 11:00 -roasted peppers salad (with onion, tomatoes, olive oil, vinegar and salt)

Pranzul 13:00 -salata de vinete cu rosii
Lunch 13:00 -roasted eggplants salad (with onion, olive oil) and tomatoes

Gustare 16:00 -salata de ardei copti
Snack 16:00 -roasted peppers salad

Cina 18:30 -salata de vinete cu rosii si usturoi murat
Dinner 18:30 -roasted eggplants salad with tomatoes and pickled garlic

Seminte de dovleac si floarea soarelui / Pumpkin and sunflower seeds

Zilele 6-7 bis / Days 6-7 bis

Am mers la tara si, in linii mari, am respectat zilele de amidon si carbohidrati.
We went to the countryside and, largely, I have kept the diet with starch filled stuff and carbohydrates.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Ziua 5bis Proteine / Day 5bis Proteins

Micul dejun 08:00 -niste masline
Breakfast 08:00 -some olives

Gustare 10:00 -2 banane
Snack 10:00 -2 bananas

E ziua unei colege si a adus niste pateuri minunate. Nu m-am putut abtine si am halit 3.
It is a colleague's breakfast and she brought some awesome pastry. I had 3. :(

Pranzul 13:00 -peste la cuptor cu legume (telina, morcov, rosii) si o salata
Lunch 13:00 -roasted fish with vegetables (carrot, tomatoes, celery) and a salad (lettuce and onion)

Cina 18:30 -salata de ton (ton, salata, masline, ceapa)
Dinner 18:30 -tuna salad (lettuce, tuna, olives, onion)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Ziua 4bis Vitamine / Day 4bis Vitamins

Micul dejun 08:00 -o rosie cu masline
Breakfast 08:00 -a tomato with olives

Gustare 10:00 -o banana
Snack 10:00 -a banana

Pranzul 12:00 -legume la gratar de aseara cu o salata si sos dulce-acrisor
Lunch 12:00 -barbecued vegetables from last night with a salad (lettuce, onion, olives) and sweet&sour sauce

Gustare 14:30 -fructe uscate
Snack 14:30 -dried fruits

Cina 17:30 -o banana
Dinner 17:30 -a banana

2 beri / 2 beers

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Ziua 3bis Coarbohidrati / Day 3bis Carbohydrates

Micul dejun 08:30 -fructe uscate
Breakfast 08:30 -dried fruits

O bere / A beer

Pranzul 12:00 -am iesit la o pizza vegetariana -si o bere
Lunch 12:00 -we went out and I had a vegetarian pizza -and a beer

Cina 20:00 -legume la gratar cu o felie de paine integrala -si vreo 3 beri
Dinner 20:00 -barbecued vegetables with a slice of whole-wheat bread -and about 3 beers

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Ziua 2bis Amidonate / Day 2bis Starch filled stuff

Micul dejun 07:30 -fructe uscate
Breakfast 07:30 -dried fruits

Gustare 10:00 - 2 banane
Snack 10:00 -2 bananas

Pranzul 12:00 -orez cu legume (in tigaie cu ulei de masline: seminte de chimen si un baton de scortisoara + rosii date pe razatoare + ceapa si garam masala + mix de legume congelate + orez fiert + la sfarsit stafide prajite) -si o salada
Lunch 12:00 -fried rice with vegetables (in a frying pan with olive oil: cumin seeds & cinnamon stick + blended tomatoes + onion & garam masala + mix of frozen vegetables + boiled rice + at the end fried raisins) -and a salad (lettuce, onion, olive oil, salt and vinegar)

Cina 20:30 -am iesit in oras la cel mai bun sandwich vietnamez din lume (non-amidonat, dar asta e, e cel mai bun sandwich din lume) -si o bere -la mini-restaurantul vietnamez Toan's (pe Magheru)
Dinner  20:30 -we went out to a Vietnamese restaurant and I had the best sandwich in the world (not starch specific, but it is the best sandwich in the world after all...) -and a beer (a great Vietnamese mini-restaurant in Bucharest in Magheru boulevard)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Ziua 1bis Proteine / Day 1bis Proteins

M-am intors dintr-o vacanta plina de proteine si de bautura. Nu m-am ingrasat deloc in vacanta, desi nu am tinut dieta, dar am si mers foarte mult pe jos. Asa ca acum sunt gata de treaba.
I am back from a holiday full of proteins and alcohol. I did not gain any weight, even if I gave up the diet during this week, but I walked a lot. So now I am back in business.

Micul dejun 08:00 -fructe uscate
Breakfast 08:00 -dried fruit

O cafea cu miere la 10:30
A cup of coffee with honey at 10:30

Pranzul 12:45 -peste (cu sos de soia, ulei de masline) la cuptor cu rosii cu usturoi si cimbru
Lunch 12:45 -fish in the oven (with soy sauce and olive oil) and tomatoes roasted with garlic and thyme

Cina 18:15 -salata de ton cu frunze de salata, ceapa, masline, ulei de masline si mustar
Dinner 18:15 -tuna salad (with lettuce,onion, olives, olive oil, mustard)

Am fost la o petrecere unde am baut, deci a trebuit si sa ciugulesc cate ceva.
I went at a party where I drank a lot, so I had to nibble stuff.

Friday, August 3, 2012

In vacanta / On holiday

Plec in vacanta si nu am de gand sa tin decat partea cu fructele si legumele de dimineata. Revin peste 8 zile. :)
I am going on holiday. I plan to keep only the morning part with eating only fruits and vegetables. I will be back in 8 days he he he.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Ziua 46 Proteine / Day 46 Proteins

Micul dejun 07:30 -o banana
Breakfast 07:30 -a banana

Gustare 10:00 -o banana si alune de padure
Snack 10:00 -a banana and peanuts

Pranzul 12:30 -omleta cu chorizo (chorizo prajit fara ulei + ceapa + oua), salata de germeni de bob (ceapa si ardei iute caliti + sare, zahar brun + germeni de bob + seminte de susan prajite si putin ulei de susan) si salata verde (salata, rosii, ceapa)
Lunch 12:30 -chorizo omelette (chorizo fried without oil + onion + eggs), bean germs salad (fried onion and chili + salt, brown sugar + bean germs + roasted sesame seeds and sesame oil) and salad (lettuce, tomatoes, onion)

Am fost la sala, apoi in oras si am uitat sa mai mananc. Nici nu mi-a fost foame. Am baut un cocktail cand am ajuns acasa.
I went to aerobics class and then I went out. I forgot to eat and I was not hungry either. I had a cocktail when I got home.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Ziua 45 Vitamine / Day 45 Vitamins

Micul dejun 09:00 -o banana
Breakfast 09:00 -a banana

Gustare 11:00 -salata de ardei copti
Snack 11:00 -grilled peppers salad

Pranzul 14:00 -salata de vinete
Lunch 14:00 -grilled eggplant salad

Gustare 16:00 -salata cu masline
Snack 16:00 -salad (lettuce and onion) with olives

Bere. Beer.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Ziua 44 Carbohidrati / Day 44 Carbohydrates

Micul dejun 07:30 -ardei copti cu masline
Breakfast 07:30 -grilled peppers with olives

Gustare 10:00 -o banana
Snack 10:00 -a banana

Pranz 12:15 -3 fajitas cu legume (salata de vinete, frunze de salata, ceapa, ardei copti, sumac)
Lunch 12:15 -3 fajitas with vegetables (grilled eggplant salad, lettuce, onion, grilled peppers, sumac)

Jumatata de cafea cu miere. 1/2 cup of coffee with honey.

Cina 18:30 -salata cu o tortilla prajita (fara ulei). Si sangria cu popcorn.
Dinner 18:30 -salad and a roasted tortilla. And sangria with popcorn.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Ziua 43 Amidonate / Day 43 Starch filled stuff

Micul dejun 07:00 -ardei copti cu masline
Breakfast 07:00 -roasted peppers with olives

Gustare 10:00 -o banana
Snack 10:00 -a banana

Pranzul 13:45 -salata de cartofi cu rosii, ceapa si ardei copti (marturisesc ca am pus si putina maioneza din tub, care e mai mult chimicale, nu neaparat proteine animale)
Lunch 13:45 -boiled potatoes salad with tomatoes, onion and grilled peppers (I confess I have added a little bit of mayo, but it was mayo from the tube, so it should contain mainly chemicals and not animal proteins)

Cina 19:00 -salata de ardei copti si opintici cu masline
Dinner 19:00 -grilled peppers salad with wild mushrooms and olives

Si sangria. And sangria.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Ziua 42 Proteine / Day 42 Proteins

Micul dejun 08:00 -2 banane
Breakfast 08:00 -2 bananas

Pranz 12:00 -salata cu surimi si o cafea cu miere
Lunch 12:00 -a salad with surimi and a cup of coffee with honey

Am iesit in oras si am mancat putin pui la rotisor cu masline pe la 16:00
I went out and had a small piece of chicken with olives at about 16:00

Cina 19:00 -rulouri de dovlecel cu branza
Dinner 19:00 -zucchini rolls with cheese

Cateva cocktail-uri. A few cocktails.

Ziua 41 Vitamine / Day 41 vitamins

Am fost la piscina toata ziua si, de fapt, am avut o zi de proteine.
I was at the pool all day and, actually, I had a proteins day.

Micul dejun 07:30 -salata de vinete, suc de piersici cu mere
Breakfast 07:30 -roasted peppers salad, fruit juice from peaches and apples

Gustare 10:30 -o banana
Snack 10:30 -a banana

Multa bere. Telemea cu rosii si castraveti. 2 mici cu mustar si putina paine.
A lot of beer. Some sort of feta cheese with tomatoes and cucumbers. 2 small Romanian sausages with mustard and some bread.

Am sarit peste cina. I skipped dinner.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Ziua 40 Carbohidrati / Day 40 Carbohydrates

Am pierdut 9 cm in solduri. Sunt la 106 cm.
I lost 9 cm in my hips. I am at 106cm now.

Micul dejun 07:30 -o felie de pepene rosu
Breakfast 07:30 -a slice of watermelon

Gustare 09:30 -o banana
Snack 09:30 -a banana

O cafea cu miere. A cup of coffee with honey.

Pranzul 12:00 -couscous cu sos de rosii (rosii, ceapa, schinduf -in tigaie pana se ingroasa sosul) si salata cu castraveti (vinegreta: 2 lingurite de miere, 1 lingurita mustar, sare, piper, 1 parte otet balsamic si 3 parti ulei de masline)
Lunch 12:00 -couscous with tomato sauce (tomatoes, onions, fenugreek-boiled until thick) and a salad (lettuce, cucumbers, onions and vinaigrette: 2 teaspoons honey, 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard, salt, pepper, 1 part balsamic vinegar, 3 parts olive oil)

O cafea cu miere. A cup of coffee with honey.

Cina 19:00 -un covrig cu mac, o tortilla cu salata de vinete, ardei copti si salata
Dinner 19:00 -a bagel, a tortilla with roasted eggplant salad, roasted peppers and lettuce

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Ziua 39 Amidonate / Day 39 Starch filled stuff

Micul dejun 08:00 -fructe uscate
Breakfast 08:00 -dried fruits

O cafea cu miere de albine / A cup of coffee with honey

Pranzul 12:30 -orez cu legume garam masala; o salata cu castraveti; un porumb fiert
Lunch 12:30 -garam-masala rice with vegetables; a salad (lettuce and cucumbers); a boiled corn on the knob

Am fost la sala. I went to aerobics.

Cina 19:30 -1 1/2 porumb fiert
Dinner 19:30 -11/2 boiled corn on the knob

Am iesit cu prietenii si am bobinat vreo 3 beri. Si am gustat o bucatica de mic cu mustar.
I went out with friends and had 3 beers. And I had a bite from a typical Romanian sausage.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Ziua 38 Proteine / Day 38 Proteins

Micul dejun 07:30 -o banana
Breakfast 07:30 -a banana

Gustare 09:30 -o felie de pepene rosu
Snack 09:30 -a slice of watermelon

Am fost la Obor si am mancat 1/2 de mic cu bere. I went to the market and I ate 1/2 of some sort of typical Romanian sausage with beer.

Pranz 13:00 -iar tacos!!!!! da' nu mai am, gata :( -si un cocktail de tequila cu suc de grenadine (nici tequila nu mai am :()
Lunch 13:00 -tacos again!!!!! -and a tequila cocktail with grenadine juice

Cina 19:00 -200g de brie -o zi cu un rasfat culinar la care visez frecvent -si un pahar cu bere
Dinner 19:00 -200g brie cheese -a perfect culinary day for me -and a glass of beer

Monday, July 23, 2012

Ziua 37 Vitamine / Day 37 Vitamins

Micul dejun 08:00 -2 banane
Breakfast 08:00 -2 bananas

Pranz 12:00 -ghiveci (vinete, dovlecei, rosii, ceapa, usturoi, seminte de floarea-soarelui, dovleac si pin) cu salata de ardei copti
Lunch 12:00 -ratatouille (eggplants, zucchini, tomatoes, onions, garlic, sunflower, pumpkin and pine nuts) with roasted peppers salad

Gustare 13:30 -salata de vinete cu salata de ardei copti
Snack 13:30 -eggplant salad with roasted peppers salad

Am fost la sala. I went to aerobic class.

Cina 20:00 -o felie de pepene rosu
Dinner 20:00 -a slice of watermelon

Un cocktail de tequila cu suc de grenadine si lamaie.
A tequila cocktail with grenadine juice and lemon.

Ziua 36 Carbohidrati / Day 36 Carbohydrates

Micul dejun 08:00 -fructe uscate
Breakfast 08:00 -dried fruits

10:30 -o cafea cu miere / a cup of coffee with honey

Pranzul 12:30 -dovlecei pane (pane-ul: 150g faina, 1 ou, 200 ml bere, un varf de cutit de praf de copt, sare, piper) -nu m-am putut abtine si am pus si putina maioneza
Lunch 12:30 -zucchini fried in batter (batter: 150g flour, 1 egg, 200ml beer, a pinch of baking powder, salt, pepper) -I could not resist and I added a little mayo

Cina 18:30 -un biscuite cu fulgi de ciocolata, 2 napolitane, o felie mica mica de tarta cu mere
Dinner 18:30 -a biscuit with chocolate flakes, 2 small waffles, a tiny slice of apple tart

O tequila cu suc de pepene galben si lamaie (nu, pepenele galben nu merge bine cu tequila, dar asta e, o sa stiu data viitoare).
A tequila with melon juice and lemon (no, the melon juice does not go well with tequila, but I could not know that when first trying it)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Ziua 35 Amidonate / Day 35 Starch filled stuff

Micul dejun 07:00 -2 banane
Breakfast 07:00 -2 bananas

Gustare 10:00 -o felie mare de pepene verde
Snack 10:00 -a huge slice of watermelon

O bere. A beer.

Pranzul 12:00 -salata de fasole batuta, salata de fasole batuta cu ardei copti, salata de ardei copti si o bucatica de lipie
Lunch 12:00 -smashed beans salad, smashed beans with roasted peppers salad, roasted peppers salad and a small piece of Lebanese bread

Cina 19:00 -salata de fasole batuta cu salata de ardei copti
Dinner 19:00 -smashed beans salad with roasted peppers salad

Am gatit pentru a doua zi si am mancat 2 rondele de dovlecei pane.
I cooked for the next day and I tasted 2 slices of zucchini fried in batter. 

Friday, July 20, 2012

Ziua 34 Proteine / Day 34 Proteins

Micul dejun 08:00 -fructe uscate
Breakfast 08:00 -dried fruits

Pranzul 13:00 -tacos!!!! (foarte foarte fericita ca am gasit coji pentru tacos)
Lunch 13:00 -my beloved tacos

Cina 19:00 -2 oua ochiuri cu salata de ardei copti
Dinner 19:00 -2 fried eggs with roasted bell peppers salad

2 beri 2 beers

Ziua 33 Vitamine / Day 33 Vitamins

O cafea cu miere la 10:00 A cup of coffee with honey at 10:00

Gustare 11:30 Salata de ardei copti cu rosii, masline, ceapa si usturoi.
Snack 11:30 Roasted bell peppers salad with tomatoes, olives, onion and garlic.

Gustare 15:30 Vinete in sos de soia cu salata si castraveti
Snack 15:30 Eggplants in soy sauce  with salad (lettuce, cucumbers and onions)

Nu prea mi-a fost foame. Am mai mancat niste seminte de dovleac la 19:00
I was not really hungry. I ate some more pumpkin seeds at 19:00

2 cocktail-uri de tequila cu sos de rodii. 2 tequila cocktails with grenadine juice.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Ziua 32 Carbohidrati / Day 32 Carbohydrates

Micul dejun 07:30 -75g fructe uscate
Breakfast 07:30 -75g dried fruits

Gustare 10:00 -o banana
Snack 10:00 -a banana

Pranzul 12:30 -couscous cu legume si salata cu castraveti -o cafea cu miere
Lunch 12:30 -couscous with vegetables and cucumber salad -a cup of coffee with honey

Am fost la aerobic. I went to aerobics.

Cina 19:30 -2 pateuri cu ciuperci
Dinner 19:30 -2 pastry stuff with mushrooms

Un cocktail de tequila cu sos de rodii. A cockatil of tequila with grenadine juice.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Ziua 31 Amidonate / Day 31 Starch filled stuff

Micul dejun 08:00 -2 banane
Breakfast 08:00 -2 bananas

Gustare 10:30 -ardei copti cu masline -si o bere
Snack 10:30 -roasted peppers with olives -and a beer

Pranzul 13:00 -am fiert orez (rosu si integral) si l-am amestecat cu ceapa, ardei, vinete calite cu turmeric, boia dulce (ca nu am mai avut picanta) si ghimbir -am scobit o vanata si am umplut-o cu o parte din orez, apoi am pus-o la cuptor -si salata de ardei copti + o rosie
Lunch 13:00 -I boiled some rice (red and whole grain rice) and I mixed it with onions, peppers and eggplant fried with turmeric, sweet chili (I was out of the spicy one) and ginger -I carved an eggplant, I stuffed it with some rice and roasted in the oven -and roasted peppers salad + a tomato

Cina 18:00 -jumatate din vanata de la pranz -si salata de ardei copti
Dinner 18:00 -half of the eggplant from lunch -and roasted peppers salad

2 cocktail-uri de tequila cu suc de rodii
2 tequila and grenadine juice in the evening

Ziua 30 Proteine / Day 30 Proteins

Micul dejun 07:30 -o banana si o felie de pepene rosu
Breakfast 07:30 -a banana and a slice of watermelon

Gustare 10:00 -o banana si o cafea cu miere
Snack 10:00 -a banana and a cup of coffee with honey.

Pranz 12:45 -100g porc (gatit in tigaie cu un sos din: sos de soia, sos Worcestershire, anason stelat, un baton mic de scortisoara, ghimbir -dureaza mai bine de o ora, dar e delicios!), un ou prajit, o felie de paine cu masline (facuta de mine :D ), o salata (salata, castraveti, ceapa).
Lunch 12:45 -100g pork (cooked in a pan with sauce made of: soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, star anise, a small cinnamon stick, ginger -it cooks more than 1h, but it is delicious!), a fried egg, a slice of bread with olives (I baked it), a salad (lettuce, cucumbers, onions).

Cina 18:30 -o fajita cu pui, legume si smantana. si o bere.
Dinner 18:30 -a fajita with chicken, vegetables and sour cream. and a beer.

Acasa am mai baut un shot de tequilla si o bere.
I got home and I had a tequilla shot and another beer.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Ziua 29 Apa / Day 29 Water

Incerc si eu sa tin cum pot ziua asta.
I am trying to have this day in the diet, but my way. :)

08:00 -1/2 felie pepene rosu    08:00 -1/2 slice of watermelon

10:30 -un castravecior    10:30 -a small cucumber

12:30 -pepene rosu    12:30 -watermelon

13:30 -o cafea cu miere de albine 13:30 -a cup of coffee with honey

19:00 -o bere 19:00 -a beer

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Ziua 28 Vitamine / Day 28 Vitamins

Micul dejun 07:00 -2 banane
Breakfast 07:00 -2 bananas

Gustare 09:00 -ardei copti cu masline
Snack 09:00 -roasted peppers with olives

Gustare 11:00 -o felie de pepene rosu
Snack 11:00 -a slice of watermelon

Pranz 13:00 -o salata cu frunze de salata, castravete, o rosie, ceapa si masline
Lunch 13:00 -a salad with lettuce, a cucumber, a tomato, onion and olives

Cina 19:30 -imam bayildi -sau ceva de genul: vinete (cu un buzunaras) oparite ca sa li se inmoaie coaja si umplute cu: ceapa, ardei, rosii, usturoi, seminte de dovleac si de floarea soarelui, condimentate (eu am pus curry) si calite (in aceasta ordine) -apoi totul la cuptor -am mai facut si niste painici cu masline, asa ca nu am putut rezista si am mancar si jumatate dintr-una din asta
Dinner19:30 -imam bayildi -or whatever I understood out of it: eggplants (with a small pocket carved) quickly kept in boiling water to soften the skin and stuffed with: onions, bell peppers, tomatoes, garlic, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, with spices (I used curry paste) and fried (in this order) -then everything goes into the oven -I also cooked some small loaves of bread with olives so I could not resist and ate 1/2 of one with my dinner

Friday, July 13, 2012

Ziua 27 Carbohidrati / Day 27 Carbohydrates

Micul dejun 08:00 -2 banane
Breakfast 08:00 -2 bananas

Gustare 10:30 -ardei copti cu masline
Snack 10:30 -roasted bell peppers with olives

Pranz 14:00 -2 fajitas cu dovlecei, vinete, seminte de pin, rosii, ceapa, usturoi
Lunch 14:00 -2 fajitas with zucchini, eggplants, pine seeds, tomatoes, onions and garlic

Cina 18:00 -o fajita ca la pranz si inghetata
Dinner 18:00 -a fajita like the ones for lunch and icecream

Am gatit pentru prietenul meu niste chiftele cu ou fiert la mijloc. Mi-a fost pofta si am mancat si eu jumatate din una.
I cooked for my boyfriend some delicious meatballs with boiled eggs in the middle. I could not resist the temptation and had one half.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Ziua 26 Amidonate / Day 26 Starch filled stuff

Mic dejun 07:30 -o banana si o rosie
Breakfast 07:30 -a banana and a tomato

Gustare 09:45 -2 banane si o cafea cu miere.
Snack 09:45 -2 bananas and a cup of coffee with honey.

Pranzul 12:30 -un fel de salata orientala (cartofi fierti, salata, ardei, rosii, ceapa)
Lunch 12:30 -boiled potatoes salad (with lettuce, bell peppers, tomatoes, onions)

O cafea cu miere si 5 masline. A coffee with honey and 5 olives.

Cina 19:45 -hummus cu o tortilla si masline
Dinner 19:45 -hummus salad with tortilla an olives

Am iesit cu prieteni. Concluzia: 3 beri
I went out with friends. End: 3 beers.

Ziua 25 Proteine / Day 25 Proteins

Mic dejun 07:30 -ardei copti cu rosii si ceapa; suc de fructe; o cafea cu miere
Breakfast 07:30 -roasted peppers with tomatoes and onions; fruit juice; a cup of coffee with honey

O cafea cu miere / A cup of coffee with honey

Pranzul 13:00 -2 carnaciori facuti in casa de mama, 3 ochiuri si o salata (salata, ardei, ceapa)
Lunch 13:00 -2 home made sausages, 3 fried eggs and a salad (lettuce, bell peppers, onion)

Cina 18:30 -1 carnacior de casa, 2 ochiuri, ardei copti
Dinner 18:30 -one homemade sausage, 2 fried eggs and  roasted peppers

Am iesit cu prietenii si am baut muuulte beri. Going out with friends and having lots of beers.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Ziua 24 Vitamine / Day 24 Vitamins

Micul dejun 07:30 -o felie de pepene rosu
Breakfast 07:30 -a slice of watermelon

Gustare 09:30 -salata de vinete cu ceapa si masline.
Snack 09:30 -roasted eggplants salad with onions and olives

Pranz 12:00 -ardei copti cu rosii si masline; salata de vinete cu rosii si ceapa  -o bere
Lunch 12:00 -roasted bell peppers with tomatoes and olives; roasted eggplant salad with onions and tomatoes -a beer

Gustare 15:00- salata de ardei copti cu rosii si ceapa; seminte de dovleac si floarea soarelui; cateva smochine
Snack 15:00 -roasted peppers salad with tomatoes and onions; pumpkin and sunflower seeds;a few figs

Cina 18:30 -salata de ardei copti cu rosii si ceapa -si o bere
Dinner 18:30 -roasted peppers salad with tomatoes and onions -and a beer

Ziua 23 Carbohidrati / Day 23 Carbohydrates

Micul dejun 07:30 -ardei copti cu masline si pepene rosu
Breakfast 07:30 -roasted peppers with olives and watermelon

Gustare10:30 -o banana si 2 cafele cu miere
Snack 10:30 -a banana and 2 cups of coffee with honey

Pranzul 12:30 -2 fajitas cu dovlecei, vinete, ceapa, verdeata si salata verde
Lunch 12:30 -2 fajitas with zucchini, eggplants, onions, dill, parsley, and lettuce

Am iesit in oras si am luat o pizza vegetariana pe la 18:30 si 2 beri.
I went out and had a vegetarian pizza at about 18:30 and 2 beers.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Ziua 22 Amidonate / Day 22 Starch filled stuff

Micul dejun 07:30 -o felie de pepene rosu, o rosie, masline
Breakfast 07:30 -a slice of watermlon, a tomato, olives

Nu m-am putut abtine si am mancat un mic foietaj cu ciuperci pe la 10:00
I could not resist the temptation and I ate a small pastry pie with mushrooms at 10:00.

Pranz 12:30 -orez brun&rosu cu legume si ketchup
Lunch 12:30 -brown & red rice with vegetables and ketchup

O cafea cu miere. A cup of coffee with honey.

Cina 18:30 -orez ca la pranz cu rosii si masline -si o bere
Dinner 18:30 -rice from lunch with tomatoes and olives -and a beer

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Ziua 21 Proteine / Day 21 Proteins

Micul dejun 07:30 -smochine uscate
Breakfast 07:30 -dried figs

Gustare 09:30 -salata de ardei copti cu rosii, ceapa si usturoi
Snack 09:30 -salad of roasted bell peppers, tomatoes, onions and garlic

Pranzul 11:45 -2 carnaciori facuti de mama in casa, 2 ochiuri, o felie de paine, 2 castraveti murati -si bere
Lunch 11:45 -2 home made sausages brought by mom, 2 fried eggs, a slice of bread, 2 pickled cucumbers -and beer

Cina 19:40 -1 carnacior de casa cu un ochi, o rosie si masline -si o bere
Dinner 19:40 -1 home made sausage, a fried egg, a tomato and olives -and a beer

Friday, July 6, 2012

Ziua 20 Vitamine / Day 20 Vitamins

Micul dejun 08:00 -o banana, 2 ardei copti, suc de fructe
Breakfast 08:00 -a banana, 2 roasted bell peppers, fruit juice

Gustare 11:00 -ardei copti si suc de fructe
Snack 11:00 -roasted peppers with fruit juice

Pranz 13:00 -salata de ardei cu rosii si seminte de floarea soarelui si dovleac
Lunch 13:00 -a  salad (bell peppers, tomatoes, sunflower and pumpkin seeds)

Gustare 15:00 -smochine uscate
Snack 15:00 -dried figs

Cina 18:00 -o salata cu ardei copti, rosii, ceapa si usturoi -nu am rezistat si am luat foarte putina lipie -si o bere
Dinner 18:00 -a salad made of roasted peppers, tomatoes, onions and garlic -I could not resist and also took just a little bit of tortilla -and a beer

Ziua 19 Carbohidrati / Day 19 Carbohydrates

Micul dejun 07:30 -mix de fructe uscate
Breakfast 07:30 -mixed dried fruits

Gustare 10:00 -o banana si o cafea cu miere
Snack 10:00 -a banana and a coffee with honey

Pranz 12:30 -couscous cu legume la wok si sos de rosii
Lunch 12:30 -coucous with vegetables fried in wok and tomato sauce

O cafea la 15:30 A coffee at 15:30

Cina 19:00 -coucous ca la pranz, dar in cantitati mai mici, o felie de tarta cu fructe, o inghetata biscuit.
Dinner 19:00 -the same couscous as for lunch, but in smaller quantities, a slice of fruit tart, a biscuit sandwich ice-cream

Seara am baut cateva beri. At night, I drank a few beers.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Ziua 18 Amidonate / Day 18 Starch filled stuff

Micul dejun 07:45 -50g de fructe uscate
Breakfast 07:45 -50g of dried fruits

Gustare 09:45 -o banana si o cafea cu miere
Snack 09:45 -a banana and a cup of coffee with honey

Pranz 13:30 -orez curry cu legume si salata de varza. O cafea cu miere.
Lunch 13:00 -curry rice with vegetables and a cabbage salad. A cup of coffee with honey.

Am fost la aerobic o ora de la 18:30.
I had one hour of aerobic from 18:30.

Cina 19:45 -la fel ca la pranz, dar in cantitati mai mici si o bere
Dinner 19:45 -the same as for lunch, but  in smaller quantities and a beer.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Ziua 17 Proteine / Day 17 Proteins

Micul dejun 8:20 -75g mix fructe uscate
Breakfast 8:20 -75g of mixed dried fruits

Gustare 10:30 -50g mix fructe uscate
Snack 10:30 -50g of mixed dried fruits

Pranz 12:30 -2 oua ochiuri cu paine si salata de varza cu masline
Lunch 12:30 -2 fried eggs with bread and cabbage salad and olives

14:50 -o bere cu masline
14:50 -a beer with olives

Cina 19:00 -2 oua fierte
Dinner 19:00 -2 boiled eggs

20:30 -am iesit in oras si am mancat o felie de pita turceasca si carna de vita tocata cu mirodenii
20:30 -I went out and ate a slice of Turkish pita with minced veal and spices

Monday, July 2, 2012

Ziua 16 Vitamine / Day 16 Vitamins

Micul dejun 06:45 -un pumn de seminte de floarea soarelui si dovleac, un pumn de porumb din conserva.
Breakfast 06:45 -some sunflower and pumpkin seeds, some canned corn. 

Gustare 09:45 -o banana si o cafea cu miere
Snack 09:45 -a banana and a cup of coffee with honey

Gustare 11:45 -doua banane si o cafea cu miere
Snack 11:45 -2 bananas and a cup of coffee with honey

Pranz 13:45 -3 jumatati de dovlecei la cuptor umpluti cu curry de ciuperci, rosii, ceapa, usturoi si o cafea cu miere
Lunch 13:45 -3 zucchini halves stuffed with mushrooms, tomatoes, onions, garlic curry with a cup of coffee with honey

Gustare 16:30 -o jumatate de dovlecel umplut
Snack 16:30 -one half of stuffed zucchini

Cina 19:30 -salata de varza cu porumb si o bere
Dinner 19:30 -cabbage salad with corn and a beer

O bere la 22:00 Another beer at 22:00

Friday, June 29, 2012

Zilele 13 -15 / Days 13-15

Am fost in vacanta de week-end si am respectat dieta cam 70-80%
I was on a short week-end holiday and I kept about 70-80% of the diet.

Am pus la loc cei 5 cm, mai putin pe solduri.
I am back with the 5 cm that I previously lost, except for the hips where I kept my loss of 5 cm.

Ziua 12 Vitamine / Day 12 Vitamins

Iar am fost la o petrecere toata ziua si mi-a fost rau de la bautura de aseara, asa ca am avut, de fapt, o zi de proteine si am mancat si dimineata ce am gasit prin frigider (niste pateu si cascaval).

I was again at a party all day long and I was sick from last night drinking, so I actually had a day of proteins and I also ate in the morning whatever I could find in the fridge (some liver paste and cheese).

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Ziua 11 Carbohidrati / Day 11 Carbohydrates

Micul dejun 08:00 -cateva masline si suc de portocale
Breakfast 08:00 -a few olives and orange juice

Am avut petrecere toata ziua, asa ca la pranz am mancat niste bruschete cu pasta de masline si legume, iar seara, pentru ca am baut foarte mult whiskey, am mancat niste branza brie.
I was at a party all day long, so at lunch I ate bruschetta with olive paste and vegetables, and in the evening, because I drank too much whiskey, I ate some brie cheese.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ziua 10 Amidonate / Day 10 Starch filled stuff

Micul dejun 09:00 -suc de fructe (o portocala si o felie de pepene galben).
Breakfast 09:00 -fruit juice (an orange and a slice of melon)

Pranz 13:00 -chiftelute de linte la cuptor (linte fiarta, ceapa, usturoi, schinduf, marar, patrunjel) cu sos de rosii (rosii, capere, condimente thailandeze) si salata de varza cu castraveti si marar.
Lunch 13:00 -lentils patties in the oven (boiled lentils, onion, garlic, fenugreek, parsley, dill) with tomato sauce (tomatoes, capers, Thai spices) and cabbage salad with cucumbers and dill.

Am iesit putin in oras si am mancat 4 cartofi prajiti pe la 18:00.
I went out and I ate 4 french fries at 18:00.

Cina 20:30 -la fel ca la pranz, dar in cantitati mai mici si fara salata.
Dinner 20:30 -the same as for lunch, but in a smaller quantity.

Am iesit sa vedem meciul: 3 beri.
We went out to watch the football game: 3 beers.

Ziua 9 Proteine / Day 9 Proteins

Micul dejun 07:30 -suc de fructe (2 portocale + o felie de pepep galben).
Breakfast 07:30 -fruit juice (2 oranges + 1 slice of melon)

Gustare 10:00 -suc de fructe + 1 mar
Snack 10:00 -fruit juice + 1 apple

2 cafele cu miere dimineata.
2 coffees with honey in the morning.

Pranz 13:00 -salata de varza cu marar, castraveti si telemea.
Lunch 13:00 -cabbage salad with dill, cucumber and feta cheese.

A trebuit sa ies in oras pe la 17:00, asa ca am mancat niste sunca, sau ceva asemanator, cu multe masline, o bucatica de anghinare, o frigaruie de peste cu o rosie cherry, o frigaruie de mozzarella cu o rosie cherry si o mini-bruscheta cu crema de masline, mozzarella si o jumatate de rosie cherry. Si inghetata cu fructe de padure.
I had to go out around 17:00, so I ate some sort of ham with a lot of olives, a small piece of artichoke, a small piece of fish with a cherry tomato on a skewer, a mozzarella nut with a cherry tomato on a skewer, a mini-bruschetta with olive cream, mozzarella and half of a cherry tomato. And  ice-cream with forest fruit.

Apoi m-am intalnit cu niste prieteni si am mai mancat putina inghetata cu capsuni pe la 20:30.
Then I met some friends and I had a little more strawberry ice-cream around 20:30.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Ziua 8 Vitamine / Day 8 Vitamins

Am pierdut 5 cm in solduri.
I lost 5 cm in my hips.

Mic dejun 7:50 -doua banane.
Bearkfast 7:50 -two bananas

O cafea cu miere la 10:00. Si la 11:30
A coffee with honey at 10:00. And at 11:30

Pranz 13:00 -5 ciuperci umplute cu legume si condimente tailandeze si ketchup (dovlecei, rosii, ceapa, seminte de dovleac si floarea soarelui)
Lunch 13:00 -5 vegetables stuff mushrooms with Thai spices and ketchup (vegetables: zucchini, tomatoes, onion, pumpkin and sunflower seeds).

O portocala la 15:30
15:30 -an orange.

Cina 20:00 -2 ciuperci umplute cu legume si masline negre. Si o bere.
Dinner 20:00 -2 vegetables stuff mushrooms and black olives. And a beer.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Ziua 7 Carbohidrati / Day 7 Carbohydrates

Intrucat am fost la petrecere toata noaptea, am mancat pe la 10:00 o salata cu o felie de paine, la 14:30 am mancat o alta salata cu o alta felie de paine si niste grisine.
As I was at the barbecue party all night, I ate a salad with a slice of breat at 10:00, another salad with a slice of bread and some grissini at 14:30.

Pentru ca m-a suparat stomacul dupa bauta de aseara, am mancat niste grisine si 2 napolitane la 17:00
Since I had stomach aches after the last night drinking, I ate some grissini and waffles at 17:00

Cina 21:00 -pizza vegetariana (cu rosii, dovlecei, ceapa, masline, porumb)
Dinner 21:00 -vegetarian pizza (with tomatoes, zucchini, onion, olives, corn).

Am iesit in oras cu prietenii, am baut o limonada uriasa cu miere pe la 23:00.
I went out with friends and drank a huge lemonade with honey at 23:00.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Ziua 6 Amidonate / Day 6 Starch filled stuff

Micul dejun 7:30 -doua banane
Breakfast 7:30 -two bananas

Gustare 10:00 -doua banane
Snack 10:00 -two bananas

Toata ziua am fost la gratar, am mancat haotic (pe langa legume la gratar, am mancat si doi mici cu paine) si am baut multa multa bere. Pana la 4 dimineata.
All day I was at a barbecue party, so I ate, chaotically, grilled vegetables and 2 sausages with bread. And a lot of beer. Till 4 in the morning.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Ziua 5 Proteine / Day 5 Proteins

Mic dejun 07:30 -o banana si un pahar de suc de fructe (2 felii de pepene galben, un mar, o portocala)
Breakfast 07:30 -a banana and a glass of fruit juice (2 slices of melon, an apple, an orange)

Gustare 10:00 -o banana si o cafea cu miere
Snack 10:00 -a banana and a coffee with honey

Pranz 13:00 -peste la cuptor cu sos de rosii cu condimente tailandeze si o jumatate de dovlecel umplut (de ieri).
Lunch 13:00 -fish in the oven with Thai tomato sauce and half of stuffed zucchini (from yesterday)

O cafea cu miere la 15:30 A coffee with honey at 15:30

Cina 20:00 -a trebuit sa mananc in oras, asa ca mi-am luat la un restaurant turcesc 2 felii de pita cu carne tocata picanta si 2 beri
Dinner 20:00 -I had to eat out, so I had in a Turskish restaurant 2 slices of pita with spicy minced meat and 2 beers

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Ziua 4 Vitamine / Day 4 Vitamins

Micul dejun 7:45 2 porumbi fierti
Breakfast 7:45 two boiled corn knobs.

Gustare 10:00 -o banana & o cafea (cu foarte foarte putin zahar pentru ca mi-am uitat mierea de albine acasa)
Snack 10:00 -a banana & a coffee (with very very little sugar as I forgot the honey at home)

Pranzul 13:00 -3 jumatati de dovlecel la cuptor umplut cu ciuperci, ceapa si rosii cu condimente tailandeze
Lunch 13:00 -three halves of roasted zucchini filled with mushrooms, onion, tomatoes and Thai spices

Cafea (cu foarte foarte putin zahar) la ora 14:00
Coffee (with very very little sugar) at 14:00

Gustare 16:00 Salata de vinete cu ceapa, usturoi si rosii.
Snack 16:00 Eggplant salad with onion, garlic and tomatoes.

Cina 18:30 Salata de vinete cu ceapa, usturoi si rosii.
Dinner 18:30 Eggplant salad with onion, garlic and tomatoes.
O bere A beer

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Ziua 3 Carbohidrati / Day 3 Carbohydrates

Micul dejun 08:00 -o banana, suc de portocale
Breakfast 08:00 -a banana and orange juice

Bere la 10:00 Beer at 10:00

Pranz 13:00 -sparanghel tras in miere cu rosii si ceapa, 3 pachetele de primavara cu legume chinezesti, o salata si o bere
Lunch 13:00 -asparagus in honey with tomatoes and onion, three spring rolls with Chinese vegetables, a salad and a beer


Cafea cu miere la 14:30 Coffee with honey at 14:30

Cina 19:50 -doua pachetele de primavara cu o salata (salata, ceapa, rosii)
Dinner 19:50 -two spring rolls with a salad (lettuce, onion, tomatoes)

Ziua 2 Amidonate / Day 2 Starch filled stuff

Micul dejun 07:30 -un castravecior, o rosie, masline negre, suc de portocale + pepene galben
Gustare 10:00 -o banana, o caisa, suc de portocale, o cafea cu miere
Breakfast 07:30 -a little cucumber, a tomato, black olives, orange & melon juice
Snack 10:00 -a banana, an apricot, orange juice, coffee with honey

Cafea cu miere la 11:30 si la 15:20 Coffee with honey at 11:30 and 15:20.

Pranz 13:00 -fasole neagra la cuptor cu sos de rosii (ceapa calita + rosii cuburi din conserva cu piper -pe foc deasupra 20 min.) si frunze de coriandru + salata (doi castraveti, o rosie, putina salata si masline negre)
Lunch 13:00 -black beans in the oven with tomato sauce (in a frying pan: onion + diced tomatoes from the can + pepper -simmer covered for 20 min.) and fresh coriander leaves & salad (lettuce, 2 small cucumbers, one tomato, black olives)

Cina 19:30 -fasole neagra la cuptor cu sos de rosii si salata (salata, ceapa verde, masline negre) si o bere.
Dinner 19:30 -black beans in the oven with tomato sauce and a salad (lettuce, chives, black olives) and a beer.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Ziua 1 Proteine / Day 1 Proteins

La micul dejun 07:45 -un castravecior, o rosie, un strugure mic, un pahar de suc de portocale
Breakfast 07:45 -a small cucumber, a tomato, a small grape, a glass of orange juice

Gustare 09:45 -o para, o cafea neagra cu miere de albine (cafeaua trebuie sa fie fara zahar, dar nu stiu daca mierea se pune sau nu, eu am pus miere)
Snack 09:45 -a pear, a black coffee with honey (the coffee should be without sugar, but I do not know if honey is allowed or not, I used honey)

Pranz 13:00 -pui garam masala (pui, ceapa, rosii, ciuperci, garam masala) cu vinete (vinete la cuptor cu rosii cuburi din conserva).
Lunch 13:00 -garam masala chicken (chicken, onion, tomatoes, mushrooms, garam masala) with eggplants (eggplants roasted in the oven with diced tomatoes from the can).

In timpul zilei: inca 2 cafele (tot cu miere)
During the day: other 2 coffees (with honey)

Cina 19:45 -pui garam masala (o portie mai mica) cu o salata (salata, ceapa verde, masline negre)
Dinner 19:45 -garam masala chicken (a smaller quantity) with salad (lettuce, chives, black olives)

Bere la ora 22:00. Beer at 22:00

ganduri de inceput / thoughts before the start

Incepusem un alt blog pe acest subiect, dar a disparut cumva. Pe scurt: mie nu-mi plac dietele, dar dieta Rina 90 mi se pare acceptabila. Ce schimbari mari voi face: in loc de micul dejun, voi manca fructe si legume. Nu am de gand sa renunt la alcool pe perioada dietei, desi este indicat. Nici acum, eu nu prea mananc carne, dulciuri, fructe, asa ca nu cred ca imi va fi foarte greu sa tin dieta. Recunosc ca nu voi tine dieta ca la carte, o voi adapta stilului meu.

I had started another blog on this subject, but it somehow disappeared. Short summary: I do not like diets, but Rina 90 seems acceptable. Major changes: I will replace breakfast with fruits and vegetables. I will not exclude alcohol, although it is highly recommended. Not even now, I am not a big fan for meat, sweets, fruits, so I do not think I will have issues with the diet. I admit I will not follow the diet prescriptions 100%, but I will adapt it to my style.

Am gasit postul din celalalt blog. I found the post in the previos blog :)

Nu consider ca sunt o persoana grasa (am vreo 65 de kg maxim la o inaltime de 1,70), dar cred ca mi-ar prinde sa mai dau jos cateva kilograme.
I do not consider myself as a fat person (I have about 65 kg at maximum and a 1,70 m height), but I think I could use to lose some kilos.

Eu nu tin diete pentru ca nu vreau sa fac tot felul de sacrificii culinare carora nu le vad sensul. Eu mananc deja chestii ok (nu mananc carne, in general, poate uneori ma mai arunc la piept de pui, carne tocata, dar cel mai des mananc peste), nu imi plac dulciurile, dar imi place alcoolul (ma ajuta sa trec cu bine peste zilele nasoale din viata mea) si ador chipsurile (dar la ele mi-am impus deja o limita de maxim 1 punga pe luna -limita pe care o si respect). Nu beau nici un fel de suc (nici carbo nici ne-carbogazoase). Iubesc ouale si branza.
Ce mi-a placut la dieta Rina e ca voi continua sa mananc tot cam aceleasi chestii, doar ca organizate altfel. Principalele schimbari in dieta mea: dimineata nu voi mai manca omleta, ci fructe si legume, iar in ziua de carbohidrati trebuie sa mananc ceva (eu nu prea mananc carbohidrati pentru ca nu imi plac dulciurile, painea si altele de genul asta).
I do not go on diet because I refuse to make any culinary sacrifices in the name of a beauty standard that I find superfluous. I already have a quite healthy way of eating (I do not like meat in general, I eat fish, and seldom chicken or minced meat), I do not like sweets, but I fancy alcohol (it helps me pass through the nasty days in my life) and I adore chips (but I already have imposed on myself a 1 package a month limit and I abide by it). I do not drink juice (any kind of). I love eggs and cheese. 
What I liked about the Rina diet is the fact that I will eat overall the same things I like to eat now, only that they are organized differently. 
The main changes in my diet will be: in the morning I will no longer eat eggs, but fruit and vegetables, and I need to eat carbohydrates all too often for me (I do not usually eat carbohydrates, I do not particularly like sweets, bread and this kind of stuff)

Principiul dietei este unul simplu: poti manca fructe/legume dimineata din 2 in 2 ore pana la pranz, la pranz si cina mananci aceeasi chestie in functie de tipul zilei in care te afli, poti manca oricate legume vrei.
Dieta este in cicluri de cate 4 zile: ziua 1 -proteine (carne, oua, lactate), ziua 2 -amidon (orez, cartofi -eu nu sunt fan cartofi, dar daca imi iei orezul mor de ciuda, fasole, linte etc.), ziua 3 -carbohidrati (pizza -fara branza, carne; eu mi-am notat pachetelele de primavara ca  intrand aici, dar nu sunt sigura, tortilla, pateuri, dulciuri pentru cine vrea, dar fara crema am inteles), ziua 4 -vitamine (fructe si legume -am vazut ca lumea prefera fructele, eu sunt fan legume, asa ca voi tine cu legume mai mult ziua asta, poti adauga seminte).
In ziua a 29-a ar trebui sa bei numai apa. Nu stiu daca voi respecta chestia asta, dar voi vedea.
Desi este indicat sa nu bei alcool pentru ca incetineste digestia, eu nu voi respecta regula asta.
O zi se imparte in 3 faze: de la 4 la 12 -purificare, 12-20 ingestie, 20-4 digestie. Pranzul il iei undeva intre 12 si 14, iar cina, intre 18 si 20. Nu ai voie sa mananci nimic dupa ora 20.
As I understood the principle of this diet is quite simple: you can eat fruit/vegetables in the morning (every 2 hours until lunch), at lunch and dinner you need to eat the same dish depending on the type of the day and you can eat as many vegetables as you like. 
The diet is formed by 4-day cycles: day 1- proteins (meat, eggs, diary, etc.), day 2 -starch stuff (rice, potatoes -I am not a big fan of, but if you take the rice out of my diet I will die, beans, lentils etc.), day 3 -carbohydrates (pizza- no cheese, meat etc., I included spring rolls in here, even if I do not know if it is here or in starch stuff, tortilla, pastry, pasta -not a big fan of these ones either, sweets -no cream or whatever, I do not like them anyway), day 4 -vitamins (fruit and vegetables -I prefer vegetables to fruits, I like it that you can add seeds).
The 29th day is for water only. I do not know if I keep this one. 
One day is divided into 3 phases: 4-12 -purification, 12-20 ingestion, 20-4 digestion. You need to have lunch sometime between 12 and 14, and dinner, between 18 and 20. No food allowed after 20h.

Sa vedem cum merge maine. Sper sa fie bine.
Let's see how I will manage it tomorrow. I hope it will be just fine.