Monday, June 18, 2012

ganduri de inceput / thoughts before the start

Incepusem un alt blog pe acest subiect, dar a disparut cumva. Pe scurt: mie nu-mi plac dietele, dar dieta Rina 90 mi se pare acceptabila. Ce schimbari mari voi face: in loc de micul dejun, voi manca fructe si legume. Nu am de gand sa renunt la alcool pe perioada dietei, desi este indicat. Nici acum, eu nu prea mananc carne, dulciuri, fructe, asa ca nu cred ca imi va fi foarte greu sa tin dieta. Recunosc ca nu voi tine dieta ca la carte, o voi adapta stilului meu.

I had started another blog on this subject, but it somehow disappeared. Short summary: I do not like diets, but Rina 90 seems acceptable. Major changes: I will replace breakfast with fruits and vegetables. I will not exclude alcohol, although it is highly recommended. Not even now, I am not a big fan for meat, sweets, fruits, so I do not think I will have issues with the diet. I admit I will not follow the diet prescriptions 100%, but I will adapt it to my style.

Am gasit postul din celalalt blog. I found the post in the previos blog :)

Nu consider ca sunt o persoana grasa (am vreo 65 de kg maxim la o inaltime de 1,70), dar cred ca mi-ar prinde sa mai dau jos cateva kilograme.
I do not consider myself as a fat person (I have about 65 kg at maximum and a 1,70 m height), but I think I could use to lose some kilos.

Eu nu tin diete pentru ca nu vreau sa fac tot felul de sacrificii culinare carora nu le vad sensul. Eu mananc deja chestii ok (nu mananc carne, in general, poate uneori ma mai arunc la piept de pui, carne tocata, dar cel mai des mananc peste), nu imi plac dulciurile, dar imi place alcoolul (ma ajuta sa trec cu bine peste zilele nasoale din viata mea) si ador chipsurile (dar la ele mi-am impus deja o limita de maxim 1 punga pe luna -limita pe care o si respect). Nu beau nici un fel de suc (nici carbo nici ne-carbogazoase). Iubesc ouale si branza.
Ce mi-a placut la dieta Rina e ca voi continua sa mananc tot cam aceleasi chestii, doar ca organizate altfel. Principalele schimbari in dieta mea: dimineata nu voi mai manca omleta, ci fructe si legume, iar in ziua de carbohidrati trebuie sa mananc ceva (eu nu prea mananc carbohidrati pentru ca nu imi plac dulciurile, painea si altele de genul asta).
I do not go on diet because I refuse to make any culinary sacrifices in the name of a beauty standard that I find superfluous. I already have a quite healthy way of eating (I do not like meat in general, I eat fish, and seldom chicken or minced meat), I do not like sweets, but I fancy alcohol (it helps me pass through the nasty days in my life) and I adore chips (but I already have imposed on myself a 1 package a month limit and I abide by it). I do not drink juice (any kind of). I love eggs and cheese. 
What I liked about the Rina diet is the fact that I will eat overall the same things I like to eat now, only that they are organized differently. 
The main changes in my diet will be: in the morning I will no longer eat eggs, but fruit and vegetables, and I need to eat carbohydrates all too often for me (I do not usually eat carbohydrates, I do not particularly like sweets, bread and this kind of stuff)

Principiul dietei este unul simplu: poti manca fructe/legume dimineata din 2 in 2 ore pana la pranz, la pranz si cina mananci aceeasi chestie in functie de tipul zilei in care te afli, poti manca oricate legume vrei.
Dieta este in cicluri de cate 4 zile: ziua 1 -proteine (carne, oua, lactate), ziua 2 -amidon (orez, cartofi -eu nu sunt fan cartofi, dar daca imi iei orezul mor de ciuda, fasole, linte etc.), ziua 3 -carbohidrati (pizza -fara branza, carne; eu mi-am notat pachetelele de primavara ca  intrand aici, dar nu sunt sigura, tortilla, pateuri, dulciuri pentru cine vrea, dar fara crema am inteles), ziua 4 -vitamine (fructe si legume -am vazut ca lumea prefera fructele, eu sunt fan legume, asa ca voi tine cu legume mai mult ziua asta, poti adauga seminte).
In ziua a 29-a ar trebui sa bei numai apa. Nu stiu daca voi respecta chestia asta, dar voi vedea.
Desi este indicat sa nu bei alcool pentru ca incetineste digestia, eu nu voi respecta regula asta.
O zi se imparte in 3 faze: de la 4 la 12 -purificare, 12-20 ingestie, 20-4 digestie. Pranzul il iei undeva intre 12 si 14, iar cina, intre 18 si 20. Nu ai voie sa mananci nimic dupa ora 20.
As I understood the principle of this diet is quite simple: you can eat fruit/vegetables in the morning (every 2 hours until lunch), at lunch and dinner you need to eat the same dish depending on the type of the day and you can eat as many vegetables as you like. 
The diet is formed by 4-day cycles: day 1- proteins (meat, eggs, diary, etc.), day 2 -starch stuff (rice, potatoes -I am not a big fan of, but if you take the rice out of my diet I will die, beans, lentils etc.), day 3 -carbohydrates (pizza- no cheese, meat etc., I included spring rolls in here, even if I do not know if it is here or in starch stuff, tortilla, pastry, pasta -not a big fan of these ones either, sweets -no cream or whatever, I do not like them anyway), day 4 -vitamins (fruit and vegetables -I prefer vegetables to fruits, I like it that you can add seeds).
The 29th day is for water only. I do not know if I keep this one. 
One day is divided into 3 phases: 4-12 -purification, 12-20 ingestion, 20-4 digestion. You need to have lunch sometime between 12 and 14, and dinner, between 18 and 20. No food allowed after 20h.

Sa vedem cum merge maine. Sper sa fie bine.
Let's see how I will manage it tomorrow. I hope it will be just fine.

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